
Showing posts from May, 2020

His Surpassing Greatness

The  Letter to the Hebrews  is addressed to a congregation that was facing pressure from outsiders, and some members were contemplating withdrawing from the Assembly. It presents arguments for why doing so would be catastrophic, stressing the superiority of the “ Word of the Son ” over past revelations. The Letter urges its readers to remain faithful to Jesus and the Apostolic Tradition.

Linear Chronological Sequence?

Are  Revelation ’s visions presented in chronological sequence as they unfold? If we assume this is the case, things quickly become untenable as key events are repeated over several visions. For example, the  “ sixth seal ”  culminates in the final day of wrath accompanied by celestial and terrestrial upheaval, yet the same events also occur in the “ seventh trumpet .”

Common Errors of Interpretion

The relevance of Revelation for today is lost if we ignore its historical context and read it with incorrect presuppositions . The  Book of Revelation  presents a sweeping picture of the church age that highlights the cosmic “ war ” that is being waged behind the scenes of History with individual “battles” that manifest in the daily struggles of the Assembly. Its visions show God working through the “ Lamb ” to implement His Kingdom, and it begins in the first century with the “ Seven Assemblies of Asia .”

Call to Action

Through a series of seven beatitudes, Revelation summons believers to faithfulness despite hostility, tribulation, and persecution . The  Book of Revelation  is not a tool of divination for deciphering future mysteries and events. Instead, it is a summons for God’s people to become vigilant, live righteously, and persevere in testimony during persecution and other trials. Its concern is not when certain events will occur, but how the Assembly of God must “ overcome ” and thus arrive at the city of “ New Jerusalem .”

Second Division - Outline

The  Book of Revelation  is divided into four main literary units, each identifiable by the entry of John “ in the Spirit ” and his relocation to a new visionary vantage point (Patmos, the Throne, the Wilderness, “ great high mountain ”). Each division is easily subdivided into smaller units; for example, the series of the “ seven seals ” or the “ seven trumpets ” - (Revelation 1:9, 4:1-3, 17:3, 21:10).

Fourfold Structure

The book of Revelation is comprised of a prologue, the vision proper, and an epilogue. The vision falls into four recognizable divisions, and each commences when John finds himself “ in the spirit ” and is transported to a specific location. For example, the first vision begins with John on Patmos where he “ comes to be in spirit ” and sees a vision of the one “ like a son of man .”

Death and Exaltation of Jesus in Revelation

SYNOPSIS: The book of Revelation links the present reign of Jesus to his past Death and Resurrection, the immovable foundation of his kingdom.  The self-sacrificial death of Jesus and his consequent exaltation figure prominently in the  book of Revelation . His death on the cross is the foundation of its visions. The plan of God to redeem mankind and the Creation through Christ is unveiled in a series of visions. In  Revelation , the death and enthronement of Jesus put His redemptive plans into motion.

An End Time People

The Assembly of God is the battlefield where the final war is being waged between the Lamb and the Ancient Serpent, the Devil . The  Book of Revelation  is addressed to seven first-century congregations in the Roman province of Asia. It deals with their real-life situations and trials. In the process, it presents messages relevant to all the assemblies of God throughout the present age, the period known as the “ Last Days ” which began following Calvary. The daily struggles of the Asian churches provide a microcosm of the great cosmic battle that is being waged between Jesus and the Devil.


The Living Word

The Suffering Servant