

Salut pour les Nations

Après sa résurrection, Jésus a dit: “ Tout pouvoir m'a été donné au ciel et sur la terre, alors allez et faites des disciples de toutes les nations! ” Il a envoyé ses disciples proclamer sa Seigneurie et son Salut jusqu'aux extrémités de la Terre. L'ère du Salut a commencé avec sa Mort et sa Résurrection; par conséquent, son message vivifiant doit être annoncé à tous les hommes.

Jesus or Satan

The Inhabitants of the Earth refuse to follow the Lamb, choosing instead to give their allegiance to the Dragon . In Revelation , there is no geographic restriction on the reign of the “ Beast from the Sea .” All the “ Inhabitants of the Earth ” take its “ Mark ” or “ Number ” and venerate it, and no government resists the “ Beast .” It is granted “ authority over every tribe, people, tongue and nation .” There are no exceptions to the rule.

Religion and Economics

In Revelation , John saw the “ Beast ascending from the Earth ,” the “ False Prophet ,” who was intent on deceiving the “ Inhabitants of the Earth ” on behalf of the First Beast and the “ Dragon .” The “ False Prophet ” uses religious propaganda to deceive men, and economic might to suppress anyone who does not conform to the dictates of the World Empire.


In Second Thessalonians , Paul addresses rumors and claims that the “ Day of the Lord has set in ." False information about the “ arrival ” of Jesus was disrupting the Assembly, and this disinformation was being attributed either to a “ spirit ,” word (l ogos ), or a letter “ as if from ” the Apostle Paul and his coworkers.

The Danger Within

Church leaders warn us of the dangers posed by groups outside the church in the surrounding society; “liberal” politicians, “Woke” ideology, the “gay agenda,” and the like. Forces that are destroying society, perverting the culture, and undermining the “Judeo-Christian” values on which the United States of America was founded, supposedly.

Prophetic Blunders

According to Moses, “ When the prophet speaks in the name of Yahweh and the word does not come to pass, that is the word Yahweh has NOT spoken .” If this guideline remains applicable, many churches have embraced an interpretive school of prophecy that does not represent what the Bible says, namely, Dispensationalism, and this is demonstrated by its long history of failed predictions, speculations, and expectations.